Art Box Cover image

Easy Management of Artworks
β ver. will open on June 30 Aug. 1, 2024

"Art Box" supports all Artist, Gallery Owner, Art Group Management, Collector in the management, exhibition, purchase and sale of works of art.
Art Box for artist

for Artist

"Art Box" is a complete platform designed to support your creativity and promote your work worldwide. From managing, exhibiting and selling the works you create to managing your own profile, "Art Box" is the solution to the many challenges you face as an artist.
Main Features
  1. Data Management of Artworks
  2. Online Portfolio
  3. Online Contract
  4. Simplified Documentation
  5. Prior Confirmation of Exhibition View
  6. Easy Access via QR code
  7. Record Exhibition History and Pricing Information
  8. Online Store
  9. Sales Tools
  10. Automatic Profile Updates
  11. Outlook and Analysis
  12. Social Media
  13. "Art Box" Community
  14. Issuance of Certificate of Artwork
  15. Virtual Space Exhibit
Art Box for gallery

for Gallery Owner

The art world is constantly evolving, and the key to a gallery's success lies in its ability to organize, manage and market its exhibitions smoothly and efficiently. "Art Box" is an innovative management platform for gallery operations, developed to meet these needs.
Main Features
  1. Meet New Artists
  2. Online Contract
  3. Rapid Document Collection
  4. Preliminary Confirmation of Exhibition View.
  5. Sales Utilizing QR codes
  6. Issuing a artwork certificate
  7. Simplified Sales Procedures
  8. Online Store
  9. Social Media
  10. "Art Box" community
  11. Virtual gallery
  12. Analysis of Visitor Trends
  13. Sales Data Analysis
Art Box for manager

for Art group management

"Art Box" is a platform specially designed to streamline the management of arts organizations and communities, and to increase interaction between members. Whether it's a change of managers or the need to manage a multi-person office, "Art Box" provides easy access to all information and considerably reduces administrative tasks.
Main Features
  1. Members' Database
  2. Visualization of Office Work
  3. Simplified documentation
  4. Simplified Document Delivery
  5. Management of Membership Dues
  6. Event Scheduling
  7. Online Reservations
  8. Feedback
  9. Bulletin Boards and Online Forums
  10. Online Store
  11. Virtual Exhibition
  12. Teaching Materials and Resources
Art Box for collector

for Collector

"Art Box" is an innovative platform that will capture the hearts and minds of art collectors. From viewing the exhibition in a 3D virtual space, to making reservations and registering for a waiting list, even busy people can't afford to miss out. Furthermore, the purchase procedure can be completed with a single QR code, and AB Points can be earned for each purchase, making the path to future art purchases even smoother.
Main Features
  1. Retrieving Information on Favorite Galleries
  2. Artist Information and Exhibition Overview
  3. Reserve and Waiting List
  4. Simplified Purchase Procedures
  5. "Art Box" AB Point
  6. Albums of Purchased Works
  7. "Art Box" Community
  8. Viewing Artworks in a Virtual Space
  9. Centralized Management of Artwork Holdings

Art Box for Artist

  1. Data Management of Artworks: "Art Box" allows you to manage your artwork data centrally. You can access and update your artwork information anytime, anywhere.
  2. Online Portfolio: Even if you do not have your own website, you can easily create and update a professional online portfolio using "Art Box". You can effectively promote your work to potential buyers and galleries.
  3. Online Contract: Signing a contract with a gallery via "Art Box" avoids problems later on. Contract details are discussed online with the gallery.
  4. Simplified Documentation: If the gallery is not a member of "Art Box", but can send an e-mail to the gallery, all the necessary information for the exhibition can be sent to the gallery in three steps. Even for those to whom it is not possible to send e-mails, "Art Box" makes it very easy to create documents to be printed out.
  5. Prior Confirmation of Exhibition View: If you know the size of the gallery room, you can check in advance on "Art Box" what kind of atmosphere you want to exhibit in.
  6. Easy Access via QR code: By scanning the QR code attached to the caption, detailed information about the work is instantly displayed. "Art Box" makes it easier than ever to present artwork at exhibitions and events.
  7. Record Exhibition History and Pricing Information: "Art Box" allows you to record detailed information about each registered artwork, including where it was exhibited, date, price, buyer, and storage location, making it very easy to manage your artwork.
  8. Online Store: Art works can be sold through "Art Box" even when they are not on display. This enables works of art to reach a wider audience.
  9. Sales Tools: You can use "Art Box" as a sales tool when you rent gallery space to sell your artwork. Even when you are not in the gallery, customers can scan the QR code to read the description of your work and purchase it.
  10. Automatic Profile Updates: Information on exhibitions you have participated in using "Art Box" will be automatically added to your profile.
  11. Outlook and Analysis: You can use "Art Box" to analyze important data such as the approximate time and cost of creating the artwork, the amount of sales, the number of sales, etc. You can understand how your work is being received and adjust your marketing strategy to better prepare for your next exhibition.
  12. Social Media: "Art Box" allows artists to easily share information about their works and exhibitions to social media. Artists can communicate directly with their followers and increase exposure of their works.
  13. "Art Box" Community: "Art Box" community provides an opportunity to connect, exchange information, and collaborate with other artists and art enthusiasts. "Art Box" community is a great place to find inspiration and receive feedback.
  14. Issuance of Certificate of Artwork: Artworks sold through "Art Box" can be easily issued with a certificate of artwork.
  15. Virtual Space Exhibit: Artworks registered in "Art Box" can be exhibited in a virtual space. This will realize a new form of art exhibition and sales that transcends the boundaries between the real and virtual worlds.
"Art Box" is a powerful tool to support your artistic activities and help your work reach a wider audience. Through these features, we hope to help you maximize your creativity and further develop your art career.

We invite you to use "Art Box" and together we will welcome the moment when your artwork shines in a new light around the world.

Art Box for Gallery Owner

  1. Meet New Artists: Finding new talent in "Art Box" artist database facilitates the planning of solo and group exhibitions.
  2. Online Contract: By signing a contract with an artist via "Art Box", various problems can be prevented later. The details of the contract are decided after consultation with the artist online.
  3. Rapid Document Collection: When an artist registered in "Art Box" participates in an exhibition, the necessary materials to be submitted by the artist can be collected quickly and reliably. By leaving all the steps up to the end of the exhibition to "Art Box", it eliminates the hassle of requesting submissions and greatly accelerates the preparation process.
  4. Preliminary Confirmation of Exhibition View.: By registering images of works to be exhibited in "Art Box", the layout of the exhibition can be simulated in 3D and confirmed before the exhibition is brought in. If the artist is an "Art Box" user and has already registered their works, the optimal exhibition plan can be made in consultation with the artist. By confirming the exhibition layout in advance, efficient installation can be realized, and publicity for the exhibition can be discussed in more concrete terms.
  5. Sales Utilizing QR codes: Once an artwork for sale is registered in the "Art Box", visitors can directly read the QR code attached to the caption with a smartphone or other device to check the artwork information and make a purchase. The gallery can also use a smartphone or other device to read the QR code to facilitate the sales process.
  6. Issuing a artwork certificate: If you are selling artwork registered in "Art Box", a certificate of art can be printed out immediately with the gallery's logo. If you print it on paper with a watermark of your store, you can create an even more prestigious artwork certificate.
  7. Simplified Sales Procedures: For sales of artwork registered in "Art Box", the process is very simple. Simply fill out the form, print it out or email it, and you'll have a certificate of sale with the gallery's logo ready in no time. If the customers is an "Art Box" member, it is even easier. By centralizing your sales in "Art Box", you can reduce the amount of work required and focus on serving your customers and presenting your exhibit.
  8. Online Store: "Art Box" online store allows galleries to sell not only works from exhibitions, but also paintings owned by the gallery. By managing both exhibition and online sales through "Art Box", there is no need to worry about double booking.
  9. Social Media: It's easy to promote exhibitions and share artwork on social media from "Art Box". Galleries can communicate directly with their followers and multiply opportunities to promote their exhibitions.
  10. "Art Box" community: By interacting with artists and art enthusiasts in "Art Box" community, you can discover tips for finding the future of your gallery operation.
  11. Virtual gallery: Art Box” can make a virtual gallery in a virtual space. Through exhibitions in virtual space, a new audience is attracted and the appeal of art is communicated. It's a new way of exhibiting and selling art that crosses the boundary between real and virtual space.
  12. Analysis of Visitor Trends: By asking customers to scan "Art Box" QR code during their visit, a detailed analysis can be made of the number of visitors, the length of their stay, and which works of art attracted the most interest for each exhibition. The artworks and sections of the exhibition that most interest visitors can be identified and taken into account when planning future exhibitions.
  13. Sales Data Analysis: Using "Art Box", you can aggregate online and offline sales data and analyze sales data, such as which artists and works are highly popular and whether sales trends are seasonal. This information can be used to optimize inventory management, pricing, and promotional strategies.
The introduction of "Art Box" will dramatically change the way galleries plan and manage exhibitions. The platform provides powerful support for galleries to succeed in the contemporary art market and strengthens the connection between artists, visitors, and galleries.

We invite you to use "Art Box" and maximize your gallery's potential.

Art Box for Art group management

  1. Members' Database: "Art Box" builds a strongly encrypted database to securely manage member information (name, contact information, position, area of expertise, etc.). In the event of data hacking, the risk of information leakage is minimized.
  2. Visualization of Office Work: Even if multiple people are managing the exhibition, they can immediately see how much of the exhibition paperwork has been completed through "Art Box".
  3. Simplified documentation: Once a template of a document is registered in "Art Box", anyone can easily create the document without making mistakes.
  4. Simplified Document Delivery: Documents can be easily sent to multiple members whose e-mail addresses are registered in "Art Box". For those who need to send paper documents, member information such as name, address, and phone number registered in "Art Box" can be easily transferred to your PC in CSV format for easy use in address printing applications.
  5. Management of Membership Dues: Managing membership dues through "Art Box" allows you to instantly see the status of your members' dues payments. Payment reminders and confirmations can be automatically issued. You can also use "Art Box" to collect dues. (Requires consent from the member to register their name and email address)
  6. Event Scheduling: By managing event schedules for exhibitions, meetings, workshops, and other events in "Art Box", you can efficiently notify members and share the progress of preparations within the office.
  7. Online Reservations: Registering an event in "Art Box" enables online reservations for participation, making it easier to manage participants.
  8. Feedback: After an event registered in "Art Box", feedback from participants can be collected and used to improve future events.
  9. Bulletin Boards and Online Forums: You can create an online bulletin board or forum within "Art Box" where members can share information and engage in discussion.
  10. Online Store: Members' works can be published and sold in the online store "Art Box".
  11. Virtual Exhibition: "Art Box" can be used to realize a group exhibition in a virtual space. This provides a new art appreciation experience.
  12. Teaching Materials and Resources: You can share or sell educational materials and resources for art making through "Art Box".
Through "Art Box", we provide an environment that facilitates the smooth operation of your organization and encourages creativity and interaction among its members. We promise to be a strong support for your organization's next steps.

Art Box for Collector

  1. Retrieving Information on Favorite Galleries: Be the first to know about the latest exhibitions at galleries you have added to your favorites in the "Art Box". You can visit the exhibitions you are interested in without missing them.
  2. Artist Information and Exhibition Overview: Before visiting a venue, you can check "Art Box" for information on the exhibiting artists and the exhibition. Depending on the venue, you may also be able to view the exhibition in a 3D virtual space. This will help you deepen your understanding of the exhibited works and prepare for your visit.
  3. Reserve and Waiting List: Even if you are unable to visit the venue on the first day of the exhibition, you can reserve artworks registered in the "Art Box" before the exhibition, or register for a waiting list. This way, even during your busy schedule, you can receive artworks without missing the exhibition.
  4. Simplified Purchase Procedures: By registering your information in "Art Box" in advance, you can make a purchase simply by reading the QR code and tapping "Purchase" at a gallery registered in "Art Box".
  5. "Art Box" AB Point: You will receive 1 AB point for every $1.00 you spend; AB points can be used toward future purchases.
  6. Albums of Purchased Works: A detailed list of artworks purchased in the "Art Box" is automatically generated and can be organized into albums. The ability to create albums with detailed information makes it easy to manage the artworks you own.
  7. "Art Box" Community: "Art Box" community is an online community where you can interact with collectors who share an interest in the same works of art and artists. By exchanging information and opinions, you can expand your knowledge and network as an art collector.
  8. Viewing Artworks in a Virtual Space: Artworks purchased through "Art Box" can be displayed in a virtual space. With the artist's permission, you can even hold a virtual exhibition using your own art collection.
  9. Centralized Management of Artwork Holdings: You can register your own artworks in your "Art Box". You can easily manage your art collection and history along with the works you have purchased through "Art Box".
"Art Box" was developed to assist art collectors in the process of discovering, purchasing, and loving artwork. Through this platform, we invite you to build new relationships with artworks and enjoy a richer art life.